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Settore Scientifico Disciplinare

Economia Aziendale – SECS-P/07

Research Topics

Managerial Accounting, Accounting Behavior, Performance Management, Organizational Performance, Organizational Behavior, Employee Performance.

Curriculum Vitae

Lorenzo Lucianetti, Phd, CPA is an associate professor of Business Administration at the University of Chieti and Pescara (Italy) and visiting research fellow at University of Cranfield (UK). Lorenzo’s research appears in Journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Management Accounting Research.


Business Administration, Management Accounting, Mergers & Acquisitions

Orario di ricevimento

Martedì, ore 15-17.

Altre pubblicazioni in fascia A per l'Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN)

Migliori S., Pittino D., Consorti A., Lucianetti L. (2018). The relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation and Performance in University Spin-Offs International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. (Forthcoming)

Shafer W., Lucianetti L. (2018). Machiavellianism, Stakeholder Orientation And Support For Sustainability Reporting. Business Ethics: A European Review, 27, pp. 272–285.

Lucianetti L., Chiappetta C., Gunasekaran A, Latan H. (2018). Contingency factors, complementary effects of adopting advanced manufacturing and management practices, measurement systems, and firms’ performance. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 200, pp. 318 – 328.

LU G., Koufteros X., Lucianetti L. (2017). Supply chain security: A classification of practices and an empirical study of differential effects and complementarity. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

NG W.H., Lucianetti L. (2016). Goal Striving, Idiosyncratic Deals, and Job Behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 37, Issue 1, 1, pp. 41-60.

Bourne M., Pavlov A., Franco M., Lucianetti L., Mura M. (2013). Generating Organisational Performance: The Contributing Effects of Performance Measurement and Human Resource Management Practices. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 33 No. 11/12, 2013 pp. 1599-1622.

Franco M., Lucianetti L., Bourne M. (2012). Contemporary performance measurement systems: A review of their consequences and a framework for research. Management Accounting Research, 23, pp. 79-119 (Most cited paper from 2010).

Pubblicazioni in Practitioners Journals

Lucianetti L. (2010). The impact of strategy maps on balanced scorecard performance. International Journal of Business Performance Management, Vol. 12, 1, pp. 21-36.

Curtis M, Conover T., Lucianetti L., Battista V. (2016). Business Judgements and National Culture: A comparison of US and Italian Management Accountants, Management Accounting Quarterly.

Lucianetti L., Roster C. A., & Albaum G. (2016). Exploring Topic Sensitivity and Managers? Likelihood to Participate in Internet Surveys: A Research Note, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 10(1) (ISSN# 2155-2843).

Roster C. A., Lucianetti L., & Albaum G. (2015). Exploring slider vs. categorical response formats in web-based surveys. Journal of Research Practice, 11(1),

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